Board committees | Ooredoo corporate

Board committees

Role of Board Committees

In order to make the decision-making process more efficient and to support the vision relating to corporate governance, the Board has three main committees: Executive Committee, Audit and Risks Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee.

Each committee is composed of not less than three Board members (to be appointed by the Board), taking into account the experience and capabilities of each Board member participating in the committee. The Board may substitute the committee members at any time.

Each of the Board committees works in accordance with a written charter approved by the Board of Directors that clarifies its responsibilities and authorities. The charter of each committee has verified that it is in line with the Corporate Governance Code and Articles of Association of the Company and the Commercial Companies Law No. 11 for 2015, and the Corporate Governance Code of the Qatar Financial Markets Authority.

A. Executive Committee:

The executive committee is comprised of four members and aims to ensure that decisions are made at the highest levels, to achieve the Company’s objectives in a flexible and timely manner in accordance with the authority delegated to the committee by the Board of Directors.

The committee is also responsible for studying issues that need detailed and in-depth review before presenting to the Board for final decision. It also oversees Ooredoo’s strategy and methods deployed for adopting financial and strategic investments

B. Audit and Risks Committee:

The committee is comprised of three independent members, and it assists Ooredoo’s Board in overseeing the integrity of the Company’s financial statements. It also provides consultancy to the Board on the efficiency and adequacy of internal control systems and arrangements for risk management. The committee is also responsible for ensuring that internal and external audit functions are independent and objective.

The committee reviews the annual internal audit and auditors’ reports, and prepares reports on issues arising from auditing the Company and its subsidiaries, including management reaction; the level of cooperation and information provided during the audit process; and the usefulness of the audit report versus cost.

The committee also sets up communication channels between executive management and internal and external auditors.

In addition, the Committee reviews risk management reports, and advises the Board on all matters that need attention and seek a decision. The Committee also puts great emphasis on investigating any violations in the Group’s companies.

C. Nominations and Remunerations Committee

The committee is comprised of three members.It assists the Board in executing its responsibilities in regards to nominating and appointing Ooredoo Board members, and Board members of its subsidiaries, and determining the remuneration of the Chairman and members of the Board, and the remuneration of members of the senior executive management and employees. The committee also takes part in assessing the performance of the Board.

Corporate Governance Department

The Corporate Governance Department was established in 2008 and is responsible for assisting the management and Board in ensuring the efficiency and implementation of corporate governance policies and practices in Ooredoo and its Group

For further information, please visit the Corporate Governance Report
