Global goals | Ooredoo corporate

On September 25th 2015, 193 world leaders will commit to 17 Global Goals to achieve 3 extraordinary things in the next 15 years: end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and fix climate change.

The above can be accomplished with collective effort put toward sustainable development goals, and Ooredoo is committed to playing a part in it. See the infographic below to learn how we aim to contribute to this global movement.

Our commitment

Ooredoo is committed to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals which aim to eradicate extreme poverty, improve the lives of people and create an all-round healthier world for tomorrow.

Full presentation

Latest news

International report reveals the need for urgent action to improve global connectivity

28 Oct 2019, Global

Doha, Qatar   UN-backed report on global broadband access underscores urgent need to find new ways to reach the half of the world still unconnected   Traditional ap​proaches to driving internet network roll-out and uptake are failing to reach the remaining half of the global population still lacking online access, according to a new report issued in New York on 22 September 2019 by the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development. To counter slowing global growth, the report advocates for new…

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Ooredoo empowers Myanmar women to become entrepreneurs

02 Jul 2019,

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